Community Projects
- PramaLife: we have been one of the sponsors for the Oakdale Memory Lane Club. We ran a new project inn 2021 relating to travel for people with dementia
Livability Unit, Holton Lee: raised garden beds were installed at the accommodation unit
Pirates, Castaways & Codfish . We have organised a number of events and activities based on this project which looked at 150 year's of Poole's maritime history (1580-1730). This included a Family Fun weekend on 14/15 August 2021, plus taking part in the Poole Quay Fireworks. You can also watch a video of the play: Elizabeth Hyde - Poole's glorious revolutionary - 1688:
Youth Speaks: we organise the local competition on behalf of the eight Rotary Clubs in Bournemouth, Christchuch and Christchurch each year
We continue to support Routes to Roots, Waste not Want not and Poole Food Bank

Fundraising Projects
Christmas Collections – you can find routes, dates and timings for the 2021 Santa Express by clicking the link for more information. In total the various charities etc raised some £5,500.
Dorset Rotary Bike Ride- this event has raised some £300,000 in the last eight years for Cancer Research UK. NB The 2022 event takes place on Sun 9 October. Registration is via the website
Sponsored Toddlethon – it is very much hoped that we will be able to re-start the Annual Toddlethon following its postponement in 2020 and 2021 due to the Coronavirus
Business Partners – Thanks to the financial support of our business partners, every penny you give towards the fundraising projects listed above goes to charity.
The Club members made a number of personal donations during the COVID-19 pandemic to assist local charities

International Projects
Christmas Shoeboxes - With help from local schools and other groups we sent 531 shoeboxes wrapped and filled with presents for children in Albania, Montenegro, Moldova and Romania in 2019. We will be launching the 2022 appeal in the autumn with local schools and community groups.
We have set up a $37,000 project with Rotary Jaipur Limb to build a workshop in Rwanda.
Other projects - Tools for Self-Reliance, Marys' Meals, WaterAid, Poole Africa Link
Foundation – in addition to the voluntary contributions from members we will also raise additional funds through the Toddlethon for Polio Eradication.
Ancenis - we are looking forward to meeting out friends from the Ancenis Club.
Emergency Disaster collections – we will be on stand-by to respond to major international disasters
The Club continues to support the Rotary International efforts to eradicate polio.